Healthcare: Kinetica is bringing innovation and digital transformation to traditional health care systems. Commerce: To maximize sales and provide the tailored experience Kinetica helping businesses to adopt latest business solutions. Manufacturing: Kinetica guides industrial manufacturers how to innovate and digitally transform their processes. Automotive: Kinetica have vast experience designing solutions for automotive systems including, Honda, Chrysler, Fiat. Hospitality: Our Hospitality & Services practice can help you better serve your customers, so they can buy into your vision. High-Tech: The technology industry continues to undergo large scale innovation by adopting various trends, such as the Internet of Things, business model transformation, cognitive computing, analytics, and mobile. Real Estate: Kinetica offers solutions for both investors and real estate customers. From start to finish, our solution allows you to track every real estate opportunity. Public Sector Industry: Our goal is to help the public sector improve services and productivity by using best practices, smart applications, transformation, and innovation.

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